The Beginning

Thank you so much for being a part of the Chehalem Property Management family. You are receiving these emails because you are renting from us.  In these emails you can expect pertinent links such as maintenance, questions/comments and referrals. You can also find kickbacks, tips, and a quick chat from me.  You can opt out at anytime, but we’d be sad to see you go.

Here’s a Bit about Me

I (Shannon Eoff) grew up in rural and suburban towns in California, Oregon, and Nevada.  I grew up wanting to be a musician, making the rounds and learning a bit about reed and brass instruments, the violin, handbells, and finally settling on the drumset at age 18.  At age 20, I married my husband and we eventually settled down in Newberg, Oregon in 2002.  I attained my Associates Degree in Architectural Design & Drafting with an emphasis in Sustainability. I also volunteer in my local Newberg community in a variety of ways such as the Newberg Area Habitat for Humanity and the Traffic Safety Committee with the City of Newberg, and with a local, non-denominational church where I also played drums regularly until 2013.  Since 2002, I worked with my father, Mike Corey, at Chehalem Property Management (CPM). Therefore, it was fitting that I bought CPM from my father in August 2014.  Since that time I have focused my energies toward running and growing CPM.

Always looking forward with a positive mindset, I find value in respecting the humanity of each person and attempt to look at individual situations within the context of the whole, looking at short-term situations through a long-term lens.  As my children grow, I hope to pass on values of a good work ethic and persisting towards long term goals.  High on my list of values are honor and compassion while respecting truth and consistency as these pertain to working within legal and contractual obligations.